

Dirigido por:
Média geral 3.8
baseado em 17 votos
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15 minutos

Clutching her little can of Mace, Amanda (Lauren Graham) braves the wilds of Jersey City to enjoy the guilty pleasures of her favorite empanadas. Little does she know, but a sudden fender bender and disabled car soon land her in the strangely bent world of three young queens - Towanda (Joe Holt), Angelyne (Michael Benjamin Washington), and neophyte Luz (Joey Cee) . The four soon set off on an increasingly revealing journey of personal vulnerability, boundary-crossing and derring-do... all for the sake of a grinning gnome. As Amanda sheds her prejudices and fears, she also unfolds some hidden resentments and losses in her own life.

Estreia Brasil:
6 de Outubro de 2005
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