Paixão e Carne


Flame and the Flesh

Média geral 2.8
baseado em 2 votos
Sua avaliação:
104 minutos

Madeline Duvain is evicted from her apartment for non-payment of rent. She wanders the street, where musician Ciccio Duvario takes pity on her and invites her home. The manipulative Madeline soon begins to take advantage of his kindness.

Ciccio works at a nightclub where his roommate Nino is a very popular singer. Lisa, the club owner's daughter, is in love with Nino, who has been seeing a married woman.

Nino realizes that Lisa would be good for him, so they set a wedding date. But when he meets Madeline, the attraction is immediate. They run off together. Ciccio vows to find and kill them.

Estreia Brasil:
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